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- The Nobel Prize Inspiration Initiative
- Bozeman Science
- Life Science
- Evrenin boyutları
- TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing
- Biotechnology Timeline
- Chemistry Timeline
- Fizik: Herşey için bir Teori
- Bir insanın oluşumu
- Beyin: tüm ayrıntıları ile
- Yaşam: Biyoçeşitliliğin haritası
- Bilim yazarlığı
- Hücre (TÜBİTAK Bilgi Paketi)
- Studying biology
- Science, technology and society
- Life's evolution
- Who are biologists?
- Inter-relation of dcience, technology and society
- Quiz show
Online Ders Portalı
Ünlü Online Yayınlar (ücretiz erişim)
Araştırma kurumları bültenleri
- HHMI Bulletin
- InsideSalk
- Max-Planck Research Magazine
- The Scripps Research Institute’s ENDEAVOR
- Stanford Medicine
- Northwestern University HELIX
- Quanta Magazine: Biology
- ASBMB Today
- World Library of Science
- Learning Biology
- The Life Science web textbook
- A comprehensive approach to Life Science
- The Cell: A Molecular Approach
- Rediscovering Biology
- The Biology Project
- Cells
- Genetics, Education, Discovery
- Genetics Home Reference
- Principles of Biochemistry
- Genetics and Molecular Biology (online)
- Genomes (online)
- Biological Physics- Energy, Information, Life (online)
- Interactive Concepts in Biochemistry
- The Medical Biochemistry (online)
- MIT Opencoursware: Biology (Online)
- Molecular Biology Lab Manual
- Bioterminology: Biopharmaceutical Lexicon
- Web-BOOKS (Science)
- Merlot: Biology
- Introduction to Sciences
İllüstrasyon, animasyon, görsel-işitsel
- From atoms to molecules to cells to universe
- BIOLOGY: The big picture
- iBiology
- Listen to the Pioneers of Molecular Biology
- Davidson College Biology Videos
- The Human Genome Project
- BioInquiry: Making Connections in Biolog
- Unlocking Life's Code
- Timeline: DNA
- DNA? Who? What? How?
- The Nobel Laureate Meetings at Lindau
- Nature Magazine Online Videos
- Biology Basics
- CellPics
- Biology Concepts by HyperPhysics
- Türkçe dersler (TUS hazırlık)
- Science Originals
- Mader Biology
- Raven Biology
- Video lectures I
- Video lectures II
- Animations
- The Science of Science Communication
- HHMI Lectures (and Lecture Transcripts)
- Animated tutorials II
- Animated tutorials III
- Glencoe online
- Animated tutorials (Life 9e)
- The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)
- Movies and Interactive Tutorials
- Biology- The Science of Life
- Organic chemistry
- Biological chemistry
- Molecular and Cellular Biology Learning Center
- The Open University
- PhET
- Genome TV
- Science 360: Biology
- Understanding Science: How science really works
- BioStudio
- Biology4All
- Learning Center
- Science Student Center
- Cliff's Notes
- Goldie's Room
- Educator: Biology
- Youtube: Biology
- YouTube: Cell Biology
- Instructional Multimedia > Cell Biology
- Biology from National Science Foundation
- Beautiful science visualisation
- Sumanas multimedia
- Molecular Expressions Optical Microscopy
- Biovisions
- CellPics
- Cell Biology Animation
- Inside the Cell from NIH
- Kimball's Biology Pages
- The Biology Project
- BioEdOnline
- DNA Learning Center (CSHL)
- Understanding Evolution
- PBS: Evolution
- Becoming Human
- Bilim ve Felsefe-1
- Bilim ve Felsefe-2
- Gizemli evrenimiz: Hücre (by Wellcometrust)
All-time top 100 publications
Sesli kayıtlar (Podcasts) ve Radyolar
Sanal deneyler
- Lab Write
- Biology Junction
- MathBench Biology Modules
- Virtual Biology
- Biotech and Biomed (kayıt ol)
- McGrawHill online learning center
- Virtual classroom
- McGraw-Hill Biology: Virtual Laboratory
- BioCoach
- Virtual Labs
- Landmarks in genetics and genomics (Türkçesi)
- Biological Sciences: the Unity of Life (Türkçesi)
- Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
- Nobel Prize in Chemistry
- Nobel Tıp Ödülü: Kısa bir tarihçe
- Nobel Kimya Ödülü: Kısa bir tarihçe
- Campbell AP Biology Lectures
- Click and Learn
21. yüz yılda biyoloji eğitimi
- Transforming Undergraduate Biology Education
- Project 2061: Science for all Americans
- BEN Portal
- Ülkeler ve üniversiteleri
- Türkiye'nin Üniversiteleri
- Non-University Science Institutions
- Best Universities and Colleges (by US News & World Report)
- THE (Times Higher Education World University Rankings)
- QS University Rankings
- Webometrics- Ranking Web of Universities
- Shangai Ranking (Academic Ranking of World Universities)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education
- Life Sceince Education
- Next Generation Science Standards
- Science Literacy Maps
- Science (AAAS): Science Education
- Approaches to Biology Teaching and Learning
- EurekAlert: Science News
- CourseSource: Biology
Kariyer Seçenekleri
- Kariyer: Bilimadamları için tavsiye ve fırsatlar
- Lisanstan doktora sonrasına kadar kariyeriniz
- Kariyer: Endüstri mi Akademi mi?
- Laboratuarınızı oluşturmak ve idame etmek
- Bilimde kadınlar
- Bilim ve teknolojide halkla iletişim
Bilimsel Toplantılar
Tavsiye Ettiğim Bilim Blogları
Tartışma: Toplum ve Bilim
Büyük Keşifler
- Greatest Discoveries: Biology
- Greatest Discoveries: Genetics
- Greatest Discoveries: Medicine
- Greatest Discoveries: Evolution
- Greatest Discoveries: Chemistry
- Greatest Discoveries: Physics
- Greatest Discoveries: Earth Sciences
Biyolojide modern konular
- Computational Biology
- Genome Projector - zoomable user interface for molecular biology
İlköğretim ve Lise Öğrencileri için
- TÜBİTAK Bilim Paketleri
- Smile
- ITAB FenLab
- Bilim eğlencedir
- STEM (Minnesota)
- Bilim eğitimi (NIH)
- Biology (NSF)
- Dergiler
- Animasyonlar
Bilim araç-gereç sağlayıcıları
- Carolina Biological Supply Co.
- Biocrawler
- Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics Tools
- VADLO: Search for Methods, Techniques and Protocols
- Edmund Scientific
- Educational Innovations, Inc.
- Frey Scientific
- Lawrence Hall of Science
- PASCO Scientific
English as a Second Language
Sınıfta Bilim
Ünlü bilim dergisi SCIENCE tarafından sunulan araştırma makaleleri ve ilgili öğretim materyalleri Bilim Eğitim Portalına Hoş Geldiniz! Published:Welcome to the Science Education Portal, a "one-stop shop" for all of Science Magazine's freely available education content. We will use this blog to highlight available content on the website and to feature relevant science education work. Education Portal 10/18/2013 Türkçe içerik Web siteleri (Websites with Turkish content)- AçıkBilim (Aylık çevrimiçi Bilim Dergisi)
- BilimFili (“Bilim bir tek buyruk tanır. Bilime katkıda bulun”. Bu repliği kendimize misyon edinerek Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nden bir grup öğrenci olarak 1 Ekim 2014 tarihinde‘u kurduk ve hızlı bir çalışmanın ardından 12 Ekim 2014 tarihinde yayın hayatımıza başladık.
- Kuark Bilim Topluluğu (Ülkemiz lisans öğrencilerinin bir araya gelerek oluşturdukları bir bilim topluluğu)
- Gerçek Bilim ( Güncel Bilim Haberleri)
- Genetik ve Nanobiyoteknoloji (İnönü Üniversitesi, Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik Bölümü Arş. Grv. Canbolat Gürses tarafından güncel moleküler biyoloji, genetik, nanobiyoteknoloji haberleri)
- GENETİK ( Genetikle ilgili güncel haberler)
- BİLİM (Tüm bilimlerde güncel haberler)
- iBioSeminars ( iBioSeminars have viewers in 115 countries and they are being internally promoted in several countries as an educational tool and scientific resource. iBioSeminars is a project of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB), the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF))
- iBioMagazine (“behind-the-scenes” of scientific discoveries)
- Boundless: Biology (Boundless integrates custom learning technology into all its premium books to help students study more efficiently at a fraction of the cost of traditional textbooks)
- Boundless: Chemistry (Boundless integrates custom learning technology into all its premium books to help students study more efficiently at a fraction of the cost of traditional textbooks)
- TED: Ideas Worth Spreading ( Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world)
- SCITABLE ( Scitable is a free science library and personal learning tool brought to you by Nature Publishing Group, the world's leading publisher of science)
- Academic Earth: BIOLOGY (Thematic collections of BIOLOGY lectures)
- HHMI (Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s flagship program in biomedical research rests on the conviction that scientists of exceptional talent, commitment, and imagination will make fundamental biological discoveries for the betterment of human health if they receive the resources, time, and freedom to pursue challenging questions)
- CSHL ( Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is a private, non-profit institution with research programs focusing on cancer, neurobiology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatics. The Laboratory has a broad educational mission, including the recently established Watson School of Biological Sciences. It currently employs over 400 scientists. Over its history eight Nobel laureates have worked at the laboratory.
- National Human Genom Research Institute ( Educational materials about genetics and genomics)
- The Human Genome ( The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is one of the leading genomics centres in the world, dedicated to analysing and understanding genomes)
- NIH Science Education (The National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and is the primary agency of the United States government responsible for biomedical and health-related research.
- Learn Genetics ( Genetic Science Learning Center, The University of Utah)
- DOE JGI ( The U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute unites the expertise of five national laboratories—Lawrence Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, and Pacific Northwest— to advance genomics in support of the DOE missions related to clean energy generation and environmental characterization and cleanup. JGI is operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy)
- Web of Stories (Stories of great minds of 20th century)
- Open Learning Initiative ( The Open Learning Initiative offers instructors a variety of resources designed to support teaching practice)
- Course Hero ( Learn from the world's best educators)
- MIT OpenCourseWare ( MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity)
- Webcast.berkeley ( Open classrooms to the world)
- SEED ( Seed is an online science magazine published by Seed Media Group. The magazine looks at big ideas in science, important issues at the intersection of science and society, and the people driving global science culture)
- JONAH LEHRER ( Read various scientific topics written insightfullyby this young scientist )
- CARL ZIMMER ( CZ is a popular science writer (to Scientific American, New York Times, Discover, etc.), blogger (The Loom) and currently (as of 2011) teaching "How to Write Science" at Yale University)
- SCIENCE COMICS ( Laugh at your own risk!... There is a reality behind every comic)
- SLATE ( An online magazine on current affairs on science, culture, and politics)
- BEST SCIENCE WRITING ("Pinnacle of Excellence" awards by AAAS)
- KOSHLAND SCIENCE MUSEUM ( The mission of the Marian Koshland Science Museum is to engage the general public in current scientific issues that impact their lives. The museum’s state-of-the-art exhibits, public events, and educational programs provide information that stimulates discussion and provides insight into how science supports decision-making)
- The New York Times ( Audio-visual recordings and most current sceince news from Times Science Reporters)
- MIT World: Science ( A primary source for great ideas)
- CHARLIE ROSE ( Not only he talks with the celebrities of popular media, but also the celebrities of science)
- SCIENCE BUDDIES ( A site for curious high school science students and teachers. The site facilitates fast publication of research results through short and concise reports, exchange of ideas and comments through dedicated forums and blogs and provides space to place structured resumes)
- EurekaAlert! ( Latest Science News by AAAS)
- The Max Planc Society- Research perspectives ( The Max Planck Society conducts research at the frontiers of knowledge)
- VIMEO (Some of the best quality videos on science and more)
- PHYLO ( An online game to solve human disease by matching the genes of same or different species. Register to play)
- How to write science- Purdue Online Writing Lab (The Purdue University Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) assist writers—no matter what their skill level)
- The PROSPECT MAGAZINE ( A beautiful site for the latest news on Science and more..)
- KHAN ACADEMY ( The Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. A not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere)
- SHMOOP: Biology (Speak to students)
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